HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide
1.2.0-dev - ci-build Japan flag

HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.2.0-dev) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 HL7 FHIR JP Core 実装ガイド
... 2 ガイダンス
.... 2.1 総合ガイダンス
.... 2.2 Must SupportとCardinality(多重度)のルール
.... 2.3 欠損値(データが存在しない場合)の扱い
.... 2.4 文字コード
.... 2.5 検索
.... 2.6 利用上の注意事項
.... 2.7 更新履歴
... 3 FHIR Contents List
.... 3.1 Administration Group
.... 3.2 Medication Group
.... 3.3 Diagnostic Group
.... 3.4 Clinical Group
.... 3.5 CapabilityStatement
.... 3.6 Search Parameter
... 4 セキュリティ
... 5 ダウンロード
... 6 Artifacts Summary
.... 6.1 JP Core Client CapabilityStatement
.... 6.2 JP Core Server CapabilityStatement
.... 6.3 jp-coverage-insuredpersonnumber-sp
.... 6.4 jp-coverage-insuredpersonsubnumber-sp
.... 6.5 jp-coverage-insuredpersonsymbol-sp
.... 6.6 jp-medicationrequest-start-sp
.... 6.7 jp-organization-insuranceorganizationcategory-sp
.... 6.8 jp-organization-insuranceorganizationno-sp
.... 6.9 jp-organization-prefectureno-sp
.... 6.10 jp-patient-kanasort-sp
.... 6.11 JP Core AllergyIntolerance Profile
.... 6.12 JP Core Condition Profile
.... 6.13 JP Core Coverage Profile
.... 6.14 JP Core DiagnosticReport Common Profile
.... 6.15 JP Core DiagnosticReport Endoscopy Profile
.... 6.16 JP Core DiagnosticReport LabResult Profile
.... 6.17 JP Core DiagnosticReport Microbiology Profile
.... 6.18 JP Core DiagnosticReport Radiology Profile
.... 6.19 JP Core Encounter Profile
.... 6.20 JP Core FamilyMemberHistory Profile
.... 6.21 JP Core ImagingStudy Endoscopy Profile
.... 6.22 JP Core ImagingStudy Radiology Profile
.... 6.23 JP Core Immunization Profile
.... 6.24 JP Core Location Profile
.... 6.25 JP Core media Endoscopy Profile
.... 6.26 JP Core Medication Profile
.... 6.27 JP Core MedicationAdministration Injection Profile
.... 6.28 JP Core MedicationAdministration Profile
.... 6.29 JP Core MedicationAdministrationBase Profile
.... 6.30 JP Core MedicationDispense Injection Profile
.... 6.31 JP Core MedicationDispense Profile
.... 6.32 JP Core MedicationDispenseBase Profile
.... 6.33 JP Core MedicationRequest Injection Profile
.... 6.34 JP Core MedicationRequest Profile
.... 6.35 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Profile
.... 6.36 JP Core Observation Common Profile
.... 6.37 JP Core Observation LabResult Profile
.... 6.38 JP Core Observation Microbiology Profile
.... 6.39 JP Core Observation PhysicalExam Profile
.... 6.40 JP Core Observation SocialHistory Profile
.... 6.41 JP Core Observation VitalSigns Profile
.... 6.42 JP Core Organization Profile
.... 6.43 JP Core Patient Profile
.... 6.44 JP Core Practitioner Profile
.... 6.45 JP Core PractitionerRole Profile
.... 6.46 JP Core Procedure Profile
.... 6.47 JP_Binary
.... 6.48 JP_CarePlan
.... 6.49 JP_Consent
.... 6.50 JP_Device
.... 6.51 JP_DeviceUseStatement
.... 6.52 JP_DocumentReference
.... 6.53 JP_RelatedPerson
.... 6.54 JP_ResearchStudy
.... 6.55 JP_ResearchSubject
.... 6.56 JP_ServiceRequest
.... 6.57 JP_Specimen
.... 6.58 JP Core HumanName DataType
.... 6.59 JP Core Medication Quantity DataType
.... 6.60 JP Core Medication Quantity DataType
.... 6.61 JP Core Medication Range DataType
.... 6.62 JP Core Medication Range DataType
.... 6.63 JP Core Medication Rate Ratio DataType
.... 6.64 JP Core Medication Rate Ratio DosePerDay DataType
.... 6.65 JP Core Medication Ratio Amount DataType
.... 6.66 JP Core Medication Timing DataType
.... 6.67 JP Core MedicationDosage Base DataType
.... 6.68 JP Core MedicationDosage DataType
.... 6.69 JP Core MedicationDosage Injection DataType
.... 6.70 JP Core Coverage InsuredPersonNumber Extension
.... 6.71 JP Core Coverage InsuredPersonSubNumber Extension
.... 6.72 JP Core Coverage InsuredPersonSymbol Extension
.... 6.73 JP Core Immunization CertificatedDate Extension
.... 6.74 JP Core Immunization DueDateOfNextDose Extension
.... 6.75 JP Core Immunization ManufacturedDate Extension
.... 6.76 JP Core Medication Dosage Device Extension
.... 6.77 JP Core Medication Dosage DosageComment Extension
.... 6.78 JP Core Medication Dosage Line Extension
.... 6.79 JP Core Medication Dosage LineComment Extension
.... 6.80 JP Core Medication Dosage MethodComment Extension
.... 6.81 JP Core Medication Dosage PeriodOfUse Extension
.... 6.82 JP Core Medication Dosage RateComment Extension
.... 6.83 JP Core Medication Dosage RouteComment Extension
.... 6.84 JP Core Medication Dosage SiteComment Extension
.... 6.85 JP Core Medication Dosage UsageDuration Extension
.... 6.86 JP Core Medication Ingredient DrugNo Extension
.... 6.87 JP Core Medication IngredientStrength StrengthType Extension
.... 6.88 JP Core MedicationAdministration Location Extension
.... 6.89 JP Core MedicationAdministration RequestAuthoredOn Extension
.... 6.90 JP Core MedicationAdministration RequestDepartment Extension
.... 6.91 JP Core MedicationAdministration Requester Extension
.... 6.92 JP Core MedicationAdministration UncategorizedComment Extension
.... 6.93 JP Core MedicationDispense Preparation Extension
.... 6.94 JP Core MedicationRequest DispenseRequest ExpectedRepeatCount Extension
.... 6.95 JP Core MedicationRequest DispenseRequest InstructionForDispense Extension
.... 6.96 JP Core Organization InsuranceOrganizationCategory Extension
.... 6.97 JP Core Organization InsuranceOrganizationNo Extension
.... 6.98 JP Core Organization PrefectureNo Extension
.... 6.99 JP Core Patient Race Extension
.... 6.100 JP Core Condition Severity ValueSet
.... 6.101 JP Core Diagnostic Report Category ValueSet
.... 6.102 JP Core DiagnosticReport Endoscopy Conclusion Codes JED ValueSet
.... 6.103 JP Core Document Codes DiagnosticReport ValueSet
.... 6.104 JP Core Document Codes Endoscopy ValueSet
.... 6.105 JP Core ImagingStudy Endoscopy Reason Code JED ValueSet
.... 6.106 JP Core MedicalLicense Certificate ValueSet
.... 6.107 JP Core Medication Example DosageComment ValueSet
.... 6.108 JP Core Medication Example Line ValueSet
.... 6.109 JP Core Medication Example LineComment ValueSet
.... 6.110 JP Core Medication Example MethodComment ValueSet
.... 6.111 JP Core Medication Example RateComment ValueSet
.... 6.112 JP Core Medication Example RouteComment ValueSet
.... 6.113 JP Core Medication Example SiteComment ValueSet
.... 6.114 JP Core MedicationAdministration Example Uncategorized Comment ValueSet
.... 6.115 JP Core Microbiology AntiMicrobial Drug ValueSet
.... 6.116 JP Core Microbiology Infectious Agent ValueSet
.... 6.117 JP Core MicrobiologyCategory ValueSet
.... 6.118 JP Core MicrobiologyCategory ValueSet
.... 6.119 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Category ValueSet
.... 6.120 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Code ValueSet
.... 6.121 JP Core Observation BodySite ValueSet
.... 6.122 JP Core Physical Exam Code ValueSet
.... 6.123 JP Core Procedure BodySite ValueSet
.... 6.124 JP Core Procedure Codes ICHI ValueSet
.... 6.125 JP Core Procedure Condition ValueSet
.... 6.126 JP Core Procedure Device Action ValueSet
.... 6.127 JP Core Procedure Device Kind ValueSet
.... 6.128 JP Core Procedure Follow Up ValueSet
.... 6.129 JP Core Procedure Not Performed Reason ValueSet
.... 6.130 JP Core Procedure Outcome ValueSet
.... 6.131 JP Core Procedure Performer Role ValueSet
.... 6.132 JP Core Procedure Reason ValueSet
.... 6.133 JP Core Radiology Modality ValueSet
.... 6.134 JP Core Simple Observation Category ValueSet
.... 6.135 JP Core Undefined ValueSet
.... 6.136 JP Core Document Codes CodeSystem
.... 6.137 JP Core Endoscopy JED CodeSystem
.... 6.138 JP Core Medication Example DosageComment CodeSystem
.... 6.139 JP Core Medication Example Line CodeSystem
.... 6.140 JP Core Medication Example LineComment CodeSystem
.... 6.141 JP Core Medication Example MethodComment CodeSystem
.... 6.142 JP Core Medication Example RateComment CodeSystem
.... 6.143 JP Core Medication Example RouteComment CodeSystem
.... 6.144 JP Core Medication Example SiteComment CodeSystem
.... 6.145 JP Core MedicationAdministration Example Uncategorized Comment CodeSystem
.... 6.146 JP Core Microbiology AntiMicrobial Drug CodeSystem
.... 6.147 JP Core Microbiology InfectiousAgent CodeSystem
.... 6.148 JP Core MicrobiologyCategory CodeSystem
.... 6.149 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Category CodeSystem
.... 6.150 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Code CodeSystem
.... 6.151 JP Core Observation BodySite CodeSystem
.... 6.152 JP Core Physical Exam Code CodeSystem
.... 6.153 JP Core Procedure BodySite CodeSystem
.... 6.154 JP Core Procedure Not Performed Reason CodeSystem
.... 6.155 JP Core Procedure Outcome CodeSystem
.... 6.156 JP Core Simple Observation Category CodeSystem
.... 6.157 JP Core Undefined CodeSystem
.... 6.158 jp-department-ssmix-namingsystem
.... 6.159 jp-endoscopyterminology-codes-jed-ns
.... 6.160 jp-medicalfeescoretype-namingsystem
.... 6.161 jp-medicationbodysitejamiexternal-namingsystem
.... 6.162 jp-medicationcodecommon-namingsystem
.... 6.163 jp-medicationcodehot13-namingsystem
.... 6.164 jp-medicationcodehot7-namingsystem
.... 6.165 jp-medicationcodehot9-namingsystem
.... 6.166 jp-medicationcodeyj-namingsystem
.... 6.167 jp-medicationingredientstrengthstrengthtype-namingsystem
.... 6.168 jp-medicationmethodjamibasicusage-namingsystem
.... 6.169 jp-medicationmethodjamidetailusage-namingsystem
.... 6.170 jp-medicationroute-hl7-0162-namingsystem
.... 6.171 jp-medicationsubstitutionnotallowedreason-namingsystem
.... 6.172 jp-medicationunitmerit9-namingsystem
.... 6.173 jp-medicationusagejami-namingsystem
.... 6.174 jp-medicationusagejamiadditional-namingsystem
.... 6.175 jp-microbiology-antimicrobialdrug-ns
.... 6.176 jp-microbiology-infectious-agent-ns
.... 6.177 jp-observation-jlac10-namingsystem
.... 6.178 jp-observation-vitalsignscode-namingsystem
.... 6.179 jp-prefecturenumber-namingsystem
.... 6.180 Endpoint DICOM WADO-RS Example
.... 6.181 JP Core AllergyIntolerance Example 食物アレルギー(小麦)
.... 6.182 JP Core Condition Example 病名(直腸癌)
.... 6.183 JP Core Coverage Example 健康保険証
.... 6.184 JP Core DiagnosticReport Endoscopy Example 内視鏡検査レポート
.... 6.185 JP Core DiagnosticReport Radiology Example 放射線読影レポート
.... 6.186 JP Core DiagnosticReport_LabResult Example 検体検査(血液)レポート
.... 6.187 JP Core DiagnosticReport_Microbiology Example 一般細菌検査レポート
.... 6.188 JP Core Encounter Example 外来
.... 6.189 JP Core FamilyMemberHistory Example 家族歴(母親)
.... 6.190 JP Core ImagingStudy Endoscopy Example 内視鏡画像検査
.... 6.191 JP Core ImagingStudy Radiology Example 放射線画像検査
.... 6.192 JP Core Immunization Example 肺炎球菌ワクチン接種
.... 6.193 JP Core Location Example 手術室
.... 6.194 JP Core Location Example 病棟
.... 6.195 JP Core Location Example 診察室
.... 6.196 JP Core Media Endoscopy Example 内視鏡画像
.... 6.197 JP Core Medication Example ソリタ-+アドナ注
.... 6.198 JP Core Medication Example ホリゾン注射液10mg
.... 6.199 JP Core MedicationAdministration Example 投薬中止 パンスポリンT錠100 100mg
.... 6.200 JP Core MedicationAdministration Example 投薬実施 ムコダイン錠250mg
.... 6.201 JP Core MedicationAdministration Injection Example 注射実施 ワンショット静脈注射
.... 6.202 JP Core MedicationAdministration Injection Example 注射実施 点滴注射
.... 6.203 JP Core MedicationDispense Example 調剤実施 内服薬
.... 6.204 JP Core MedicationDispense Injection Example 調剤実施 注射薬
.... 6.205 JP Core MedicationRequest Example 内服処方指示 パンスポリンT錠100 100mg
.... 6.206 JP Core MedicationRequest Example 内服処方指示 ムコダイン錠250mg
.... 6.207 JP Core MedicationRequest Injection Example 注射処方指示 ワンショット静脈注射
.... 6.208 JP Core MedicationRequest Injection Example 注射処方指示 点滴注射
.... 6.209 JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Example 身体計測(体重)
.... 6.210 JP Core Observation LabResult Example 検体検査(尿酸)
.... 6.211 JP Core Observation PhysicalExam Example 身体所見(腹痛)
.... 6.212 JP Core Observation SocialHistory Example 社会的背景(喫煙)
.... 6.213 JP Core Observation VitalSigns Example バイタル(呼吸数)
.... 6.214 JP Core Organization Example ひまわり健康保険組合
.... 6.215 JP Core Organization Example クリニック
.... 6.216 JP Core Organization Example 病院
.... 6.217 JP Core Organization Example ABC検査株式会社
.... 6.218 JP Core Patient Example 患者男性
.... 6.219 JP Core Practitioner Example 医師女性1
.... 6.220 JP Core Practitioner Example 医師男性1
.... 6.221 JP Core Practitioner Example 看護師女性1
.... 6.222 JP Core Practitioner Example 看護師男性1
.... 6.223 JP Core Procedure Example 処置(抜糸)
.... 6.224 JP Core ProcedureRole Example 精神科外来サービス担当
.... 6.225 JP Core Specimen Example 検体材料(喀痰)
.... 6.226 JP Core Specimen Example 検体材料(尿)
.... 6.227 JP Core Specimen Example 検体材料(血液)
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