HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide
1.1.2-dev - ci-build Japan flag

HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.1.2-dev) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: JP Core Observation LabResult Example 検体検査(尿酸)

Generated Narrative: Observation

Resource Observation "jp-observation-labresult-example-1"

Profile: JP Core Observation LabResult Profile


status: active

intent: original-order

code: 生化学検査 (localcode#12345678)

subject: Patient/jp-patient-example-1 " 山田"

encounter: Encounter/jp-encounter-example-1

occurrence: 2021-10-19 01:15:00+0900

requester: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-female-1 " 東京"

performer: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-male-2 " 愛知"

status: final

category: Laboratory (JP Core Simple Observation Category CodeSystem#laboratory)

code: 尿酸 (localcode#05104; JP Core Observation LabResult Code CodeSystem#3C020000002327101)

subject: Patient/jp-patient-example-1 " 山田"

effective: 2021-10-19 02:20:00+0900

performer: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-female-1 " 東京"

value: 8.5 mg/dL

interpretation: H (ObservationInterpretation#H "High")

specimen: Specimen/jp-specimen-example-1


*2.17Normal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest #jp-servicerequest-example-1

status: active

intent: original-order

code: 生化学検査 (localcode#12345678)

subject: Patient/jp-patient-example-1 " 山田"

encounter: Encounter/jp-encounter-example-1

occurrence: 2021-10-19 01:15:00+0900

requester: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-female-1 " 東京"

performer: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-male-2 " 愛知"